Monday, August 11, 2014

Magnitude 2.5 Earthquake of Alamo, Nevada 2014-08-11

2014-08-11 00:22:54 UTC :Alamo, Nevada EARTHQUAKE

earthquake monitor,Nevada earthquake, earthquake realtime

Magnitude: 2.5

Event Time: Time and Date Starting of Earthquake Rupture 

  1. 2014-08-11 00:22:54 UTC

  1. 2014-08-10 17:22:54 UTC-07:00 at epicenter

Earthquake data:

Location : Position of Epicenter 

37.334°N 115.078°W

Depth : Depth of starting Rupture 

8.4km (5.2mi)

Region : Alamo, Nevada

Magnitude 2.5 Earthquake of Alamo, Nevada 2014-08-11

Directions and Distances :Directions and Distances from Geographical Reference in Close Proximity Which can be effected by Location Uncertainty

a) 8km (5mi) ESE of Alamo, Nevada

b) 107km (66mi) WNW of Mesquite, Nevada

c) 124km (77mi) N of Sunrise Manor, Nevada

d) 126km (78mi) N of North Las Vegas, Nevada

e) 457km (284mi) ESE of Carson City, Nevada

Location Uncertainty: 
2.6 ml
± 0.23
37.334°N, 115.078°W
± 1.9 km
8.4 km
± 1.4 km
Number of Phase Applied1

Minimum Distance2
8.3 km (0.08°)

Travel Time Residual3
0.169 sec

Azimuthal Gap4

1Number of phase Applied: 
In determining location of hypocenter, applied number of observations on P waves and S waves. The greater the more accurate prediction of EQ.

2Minimum Distance:
 Horizontal distance of nearest Station measured in Km from epicenter. The smaller the more accuracy in prediction of depth of EQ.

3Travel Time Residual:
 A way of measurement of fit of arrival time observed to arrival time predicted for particular location. The smaller the better fit of data.

4Azimuthal Gap: 
Expressed in degree; the smaller the smaller the error in horizontal positioning of EQ. Large uncertainty is considered when exceeds 180° (both depth and location)

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